Publication archives


Motornov, M.; Zhou, J.; Pita, M.; Tokarev, I.; Gopishetty, V.; Katz, E.; Minko, S. An Integrated Multifunctional Nanosystem from Command Nanoparticles and Enzymes. Small 20095, 817–820. [DOI: 10.1002/smll.200801550]
Tokarev, I.; Gopishetty, V.; Zhou, J.; Pita, M.; Motornov, M.; Katz, E.; Minko, S. Stimuli-Responsive Hydrogel Membranes Coupled with Biocatalytic Processes. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 20091, 532–536. [DOI: 10.1021/am800251a]
Motornov, M.; Tam, T. K.; Pita, M.; Tokarev, I.; Katz, E.; Minko, S. Switchable Selectivity for Gating Ion Transport with Mixed Polyelectrolyte Brushes: Approaching “Smart” Drug Delivery Systems. Nanotechnology 200920, 434006. [DOI: 10.1088/0957-4484/20/43/434006]
Tokarev, I.; Minko, S. Multiresponsive, Hierarchically Structured Membranes: New, Challenging, Biomimetic Materials for Biosensors, Controlled Release, Biochemical Gates, and Nanoreactors. Advanced Materials 200921, 241–247. [DOI: 10.1002/adma.200801408]
Sheparovych, R.; Roiter, Y.; Yang, J.; Kopeček, J.; Minko, S. Stimuli-Responsive Properties of Peptide-Based Copolymers Studied via Directional Growth of Self-Assembled Patterns on Solid Substrate. Biomacromolecules 200910, 1955–1961. [DOI: 10.1021/bm900368c]
Tokarev, I.; Motornov, M.; Minko, S. Molecular-Engineered Stimuli-Responsive Thin Polymer Film: A Platform for the Development of Integrated Multifunctional Intelligent Materials. J. Mater. Chem. 200919, 6932–6948. [DOI: 10.1039/B906765E]
Zdyrko, B.; Klep, V.; Li, X.; Kang, Q.; Minko, S.; Wen, X.; Luzinov, I. Polymer Brushes as Active Nanolayers for Tunable Bacteria Adhesion. Materials Science and Engineering: C 200929, 680–684. [DOI: 10.1016/j.msec.2008.12.017]
Hinrichs, K.; Aulich, D.; Ionov, L.; Esser, N.; Eichhorn, K.-J.; Motornov, M.; Stamm, M.; Minko, S. Chemical and Structural Changes in a pH-Responsive Mixed Polyelectrolyte Brush Studied by Infrared Ellipsometry. Langmuir 200925, 10987–10991. [DOI: 10.1021/la901219f]
Pita, M.; Tam, T. K.; Minko, S.; Katz, E. Dual Magnetobiochemical Logic Control of Electrochemical Processes Based on Local Interfacial pH Changes. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 20091, 1166–1168. [DOI: 10.1021/am900185c]
Ionov, L.; Houbenov, N.; Sidorenko, A.; Stamm, M.; Minko, S. Stimuli-Responsive Command Polymer Surface for Generation of Protein Gradients. Biointerphases 20094, FA45–FA49. [DOI: 10.1116/1.3119722]
Pita, M.; Minko, S.; Katz, E. Enzyme-Based Logic Systems and Their Applications for Novel Multi-Signal-Responsive Materials. J Mater Sci: Mater Med 200920, 457–462. [DOI: 10.1007/s10856-008-3579-y]
Roiter, Y.; Ornatska, M.; Rammohan, A. R.; Balakrishnan, J.; Heine, D. R.; Minko, S. Interaction of Lipid Membrane with Nanostructured Surfaces. Langmuir 200925, 6287–6299. [DOI: 10.1021/la900119a]
Zhou, J.; Tam, T. K.; Pita, M.; Ornatska, M.; Minko, S.; Katz, E. Bioelectrocatalytic System Coupled with Enzyme-Based Biocomputing Ensembles Performing Boolean Logic Operations: Approaching “Smart” Physiologically Controlled Biointerfaces. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 20091, 144–149. [DOI: 10.1021/am800088d]
Sheparovych, R.; Motornov, M.; Minko, S. Low Adhesive Surfaces That Adapt to Changing Environments. Advanced Materials 200921, 1840–1844. [DOI: 10.1002/adma.200802449]
15.Tokarev, I.; Minko, S. Stimuli-Responsive Hydrogel Thin Films. Soft Matter 20095, 511–524. [DOI: 10.1021/am800251a] 

Book Chapter

16.Minko, S.; Luzinov, I.; Motornov, M.; Sheparovych, R.; Lupitskyy, R.; Liu, Y.; Klep, V. Coatings via Self-Assembly of Smart Nanoparticles. In Smart Coatings II; Provder, T.; Baghdachi, J., Eds.; ACS Symposium Series; 2009; Vol. 1002, pp. 145–157. [ISBN: 978-0-8412-7218-7]